5 Advantages Of CNC Machining

The marry of ideas and technology can be made possible with a CNC Machine. CNC Machining is a cost-effective way to increase efficiency in the workplace.

Here are 5 advantages that CNC Machining can offer:

1. Productivity

The ability to programme a CNC machine to perform a complex series of actions, means you can often step away while the machine gets to work. This allows automated machining even in odd hours during certain set-ups, hugely increasing productivity and rate of output.

This is particularly true when purchasing with Zen Koen, where there is no minimum order quantity (MOQ) for your products. Talk to us to find out more: hello@zenkoen.sg.

2. Consistency 

CNC machining is highly consistent and accurate in the work it produces, and is to create uniform and faultless products, thus reducing human error significantly. Where quality is critical, CNC machining is crucial in ensuring the level of reliability and quality in the work produced in maintained. 

3. Cost Effectiveness

With the high rate of output and lower number of mistakes, CNC machine makes up more than its initial costs. Operators also require less training to operate a CNC machine and can learn how to use the machine in a virtual environment, eliminating the need for training workpieces.

With the use of our CNC machine at Zen Koen, we are able to pass on this cost-saving to businesses and consumers alike to lower the overall cost.

Speak to our specialists for advice on your latest project for potential cost-savings. 

4. Versatility

Reprogramming of CNC machine can be done in a short period of time to produce a completely new product, making them ideal for short or long production runs. Programming can be changed without it being time-consuming or too costly. 

5. Safety

As far as safety is concerned, any hazardous issues, such as a jam or other machining error, is only detrimental to the machine and does not pose a safety concern to the operator. This is unlike the conventional open guard machining.

With Zen Koen, it is more than just a feeling - it is about making your zen come true with technology. Contact us to find out more about bulk printing projects.