Woodworking With A CNC Machine: Where Ideas Meet Technology

Here at Zen Koen, besides incorporating nature to our lifestyle, we aim to marry ideas with technology as well. With the help of our great assistant, the CNC Machine, we are able to deliver zen with precision to you. Collectively, we can make your dreams come true.  

What is a CNC Machine?

CNC stands for computer numerical control - a fancy way of saying the device operates using programmable automation, similar to 3D printing. It allows the design of complex parts that can be cut cleanly, efficiently, and on a massive scale. 

It is a computer-operated cutting tool that acts as a combination panel saw, spindle moulder, and boring machine, carving complex shapes out of materials such as wood, plastics, glass and metal.⁠

Read more on Our Take On Wood - where we aim to capture the essences of nature within our products, through woodworking with a CNC machine. 

What can a CNC Machine do?

CNC machining can make wonders: the speed and position of machine tool functions can be pre-programmed and be ran via software in repetitive, predictable cycles - all made possible with little involvement from human operators. In the CNC machining process, a 2D or 3D CAD drawing is incepted and developed, which is then translated to computer code for the CNC system to execute. After the program is inputted, a trial run is tested to ensure that no mistakes or bugs are present in the coding.

After which, voila! The CNC machine then gets to work and presents to you, our range of products at Zen Koen. 

Read about the 5 Advantages of CNC Machining


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