How To Limit Screen Time For Kids: 3 Simple Ways To Bond With Your Children

When you were a kid, did you camp out on the couch with your siblings and wrestle over what show you would watch on the TV? Today, our kids have way too many options, and much fewer limits when it comes to controlling a screen. They can watch several at once, and carry them wherever they go. 

As much as the technology is amazing, children can actually benefit from lesser screen time with it. Outside of school homework, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises that children should spend no more than an hour or two with a screen every day. 

Here are 3 simple ways to limit screen time for kids: 

1. Facilitate The Play

Adults would have to lead the way. How do we expect our children to not be glued to their screens when we are on our screen half the time? Humans are social creatures, and our young children are no different. Toys have that additional joy and fun when there are social interactions involved.

Our suggestion? Play with them. Guide them. Introduce them to the game and familarise them. Explain the rules to them. The same applies to our games.

Check out how to play Match 'N Slot here

2. Challenge Their Minds And Provide Guidance

"What do you think?" is a very powerful and empowering question to engage your children during play. Nudge them to show you their world of imagination. You'll be in awe, I promise. 

By providing guidance, it does not mean to give answers. This is also the best time for intervention - run a few quick tests to see how they are performing and teach them some tips and tricks to overcome any problems in the puzzle. The key here is let them try to fix their problems first, and give some hints before they give up altogether. This will train their tenacity in solving a problem. 

Tips: For Match 'N Slot, you can guide them by solving the patterns horizontally in rows instead of solving vertically in the individual slots. 

3. Compete With Them To Give The Game A Purpose

Once you've built their confidence, propose a showdown to let them have a taste of competition. Put them under time pressure to enhance their concentration in problem-solving.

By having a friendly competition, you boost their confidence in completing a game and give a purpose to it. Best part? They may learn to be independent and be able to play on their own. Volla! You have managed to limit their screen time through a series of meaningful bonding sessions. 

Read also 5 Easy Ways To Improve Your Memory With Match 'N Slot