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A SFT Initiative: Giving Space X SFT

SFT is One! 🥳 As SFT continues to grow and reach out to more folks, we are introducing ✨ Giving Space X SFT ✨  Do you know that one in 10 Singaporeans aged 60 and above suffers from dementia today?  We are not here to cure dementia but we believe that we can help our seniors age more gracefully as our society grows older. It is all above healthy ageing and reducing the risk of dementia right?  Here at SFT, we are committed to play a bigger role in the community, and make a greater difference in promoting mental wellness among our seniors.  This year, we are contributing 50% of our proceeds to support initiatives from the Giving Space, to promote mental well-being of...

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The Ultimate Showdown by Viriya Mental Wellness Hub X SFT

Thank you Viriya Mental Wellness Hub for the sweet note ☺️ Featuring The Ultimate Showdown by Viriya Mental Wellness Hub X Space For Toys 🙌🏻  A perfect collaboration to enhance cognitive stimulation and mental well-being of seniors through meaningful engagement of toys. We believe that the Ultimate Showdown can give seniors a purpose to play, and forge camaraderie within the community. And it did.  20 enthusiastic participants; 10 sets of Match ‘N Slots;5 rounds of MNS Showdown; 3 happy winners with fastest fingers; 1 day of fun & joy with the community 🥰 We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the A-team from MWH for the support and faith in us, especially in our toys and the Ultimate Showdown pitch from the...

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